The logo for cottonwood elementary school shows a horse in a circle.

Community Council

The Cottonwood Elementary Community Council is working to make this year another great school year. Below is a list of information that will help you understand the responsibilities of our school community council


Faculty/Staff Members

Tiffany Cowley, Principal 

Kari Alton, Teacher (Year 2)

Kennedy Verdi, Secretary

Parent Members

David Malley (Year 2)

Amber Jones (Year 2)

Maree Hansen (Year 1)

Shalee Bennett (Year 1)

To contact our council members, please email:

Community Council Meeting Dates

October 8, 2024

January 15, 2025

March 12, 2025

May 7, 2025

  • All meetings will be held at Cottonwood Elementary. Check the posted meeting notices on our website, our Facebook page, and/or front entrance for information on how to participate.
Meeting Agendas Meeting Minutes


  • Plans & Reports

  • How much money is received for Cottonwood Elementary?

    Our school received $29,092.10 for the 24-25 school Year. The majority of the money is spent on paraprofessionals who work to support students in the classroom.

  • What is Community Council?

    Community Council is a committee made up of Parents and Faculty to represent the needs of your students and classes. Community Council develops required state plans every year. You can read a copy of these plans by visiting and looking up the information for our school.

  • What are Land Trusts?

    In our meetings, we discuss ways that Utah Land Trust monies can be and are spent for Cottonwood Elementary.

    Land Trusts are designated areas in the state of Utah where profits are devoted to education throughout Utah.

  • How can I get involved?

    Please let any of the council members know if there is something we can do for our students to support their academic, social-emotional, and behavioral needs here at Cottonwood Elementary.

    Elected parents serve for a two-year term. You must have a child enrolled in the school for at least one of the two years of your term to be eligible to run.

    We invite parents to consider serving on the school community council. Voting is held every fall. You, as parents, can directly influence how the Lands Trust Funds are spent in our school.

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